Sunday 10 April 2011

My own space under the sun...finally!

Hello everyone!
I had been considering whether to blog or not for quite sometime now... after talking to friends... reading articles on what blogging is (cuz putting up just anything for everyone out here to see seemed weird and absurd to me at first) im finally here!.. writing my very own blog... was just wondering what took me soooo long to get here... guess i know why... firstly, i had this fear of putting up something that an absolute stranger might end up reading... i have never been the kind of girl who would start talking to anyone and everyone... and one the other hand i love talking and being heard... such a bundle of contradictions i am!.. secondly, i wondered that even if i end up blogging who wud b interested in reading my blog... ?!... then i just thought that hey! no one is forced to read wat all im going to put up here and its obviously not important for everyone to like watever i going to treat this blog as an opportunity to reach out to everyone and show wat i feel and think about things happening around me... this is "my space" and  so im just going to put up "my stuff" and hope that u will enjoy reading it just as much as i will enjoy writing it!

 take care and keep smiling! :D

1 comment:

  1. We'd sure enjoy listening (reading, to be more precise) to whatever you have to say! Happy Blogging! :-)
